The Crossroads of Bargains
Open for six years now, this store extends on two levels and makes the happiness of a clientele looking for all kinds of beautiful things, from the most futile to the indispensable, the very good bill in terms of quality and price.
In addition to clothes, crockery, trinkets, paintings, we will also find household appliances such as fridges, stoves, Dryers and even furniture and couches. The customer will be able to find curiosities and many other wonders, some more attractive than the others.

But who is feeding this real Ali Baba’s cave?
Besides the generosity of private individuals, often anonymous, who, spontaneously, with their hearts on their hands, do not hesitate to give us, free of charge, what they no longer need, there are the partners, certainly less and less numerous, due to the financial crisis, who offer us a quota, surpluses, unsold or often new returns.
Where do the funds collected go?
The Crossroads of Bargains, an integral part of the Community Relay of Laval, a non-profit organization, is not intended to make profits in the sense Commercial term. It ensures the availability of goods of good quality while ensuring that it is self-financed by the financial resources generated. A real financial lung in this period of budgetary restraints, these entries help to keep the relay active and thus to enable it to continue to help the poorest of us.

How are prices determined?
Prices are calculated taking into account the Relay’s vocation to help and the source of self-financing that is the Crossroads of Bargains. They are also fixed after visiting all the other stores with the same vocation. They will be lower than those practised elsewhere (the Renaissance, the Village of Values,..). The Relay’s policy is that the items on display are sold at normal price, at half price or free of charge depending on the economic situation of the customer and that an intervener will evaluate.
How are selection and sorting of what will be offered to customers?
All this recovered merchandise is processed, sorted and then deposited on the shelves to be made available to our customers. all items unfit for sale because dirty, torn or dangerous are eliminated.

Who is involved in the operation of the crossroads?
A whole team of employees, dedicated volunteers, people in community works, interns ensure the smooth operation of the crossroads.
A veritable hive, this procession of angels, drowned in this working atmosphere, comes and goes in every direction, ensuring the grain, making sure that everything is in place, that a varied choice is proposed, all in a good arrangement.